Thursday, March 15, 2012

shamrocks and rainbows!

I went a little out of my mind with creative excitement this week and didn't write down where I got any of my ideas from!!  I get so INTO pinterest and flipping through facebook pictures...I love others creativity and unique idea's!  So if you have seen any of these projects before (on pinterest or a blog), then YEP that's where I got my ideas from ;]
Supplies we used for the creation of our shamrocks...
1. self laminating 8.5 X 11 sheets
2. green sequins (big and small)
3. dark green, light green and gold glitter
4. green shimmer confetti (from the gift wrap section)
5. dark green and light green (ripped) tissue paper
6. shamrock stickers 

When all 'decor' desired is stuck to the self laminating sticky paper, then place another sheet of self laminating sticky paper on top of it.  Have the kids walk on it until lamiation is complete :]   Cut out a shamrock shape and you have a finished product!  Bad pictures...but they sparkle and shine when the sun shines through :]

My kids called this "The Raining Color Water" project ;]
What we used....
1. clear glass container
2. shaving cream
3. food coloring
We filled the cup 1/2 full, sprayed a heavy layer of shaving cream on top of the water, then we dropped the coloring (3 - 4 drops) onto the shaving cream.  After a little, tough, patience the colors started dripping through!
*a little tip - I sprayed too much shaving cream on the water.  It took a little too long for the colors to drip through....less shaving cream is better*
I love science...because...children discover so much on their own!  I, more often than not, don't explain too much about the project when we begin it.  For example:  I set the above project up for my kids, sprayed the cream and helped them with the coloring.  Then I let them go...without instruction.  They noticed, on their own, that the shaving cream looked like clouds and the color looked like rain.  After the 'rain' dropped, one of my kids started stirring the cream with a pencil.  The colors mixed together and looked like a twisted rainbow.  So, the other kids grabbed pencils and joined in!  It was a COLOR FEST!  Those glasses were brown, gray and black when we were all finished exploring!
 Thanks, as always, for dropping in to take a peek!  I really appreciate it!
Miss Lisa :]

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